Thursday, January 5, 2012

Recession Affecting Fashion Industry

The recession is influencing fashion trends and making styles look more “blue-collar.” Denim button-down shirts are a trend again and a major part of the blue-collar look. People are spending money on statement pieces, such as a bulky necklace, instead of purchasing an entire outfit. Looks are becoming more simple and affordable because instead of buying a new outfit, many people already own plain clothes such as jeans and a monochrome top. Now, the trend is to embellish an outfit with jewelry or make-up, which is a lot less expensive than clothes.
Source: "Tough Economic Times Influence Style." Trend Hunter. 27 Oct 2008: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <

Fashion Companies Fitting Consumer Needs

High-Fashion companies such as Prada have taken their line of clothing and accessories online to be more available to their buyers. One of the central focuses of the article was how the poor economy created a problem between department stores and brand names because the stores started selling the brands at extremely discounted prices, which devalued the brand’s name.” The labels noticed this problem and realized they needed to take back control. In addition to this feud, online shopping has become such a major part of our society. The combination of these two occurrences provoked brands such as Marc Jacobs and Prada to strengthen their online presence and availability. While this opened up new opportunities for the company, it also adds to the debt of the country when there is such easy access to these products.
Source: Odell, Amy. "The Recession Has Forced High-Fashion Companies to Use the Internet ." New York Fashion. 12 July 2010: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <>.

The Importance of Fashion in a Changing Economy

Despite the economic changes, designers and retailers are hopeful that New York’s Fashion Week will spark consumer interest in fashion once again and will encourage spending. The article discusses new trends and styles premiering in this years fashion week. A lot of it is geared towards styles that will be appealing to the average consumer and are affordable. Designers and retailers work together to create a price that consumers will spend, but that will still turn a profit.
Source: Tan, Cheyrl. "Fashion in a Faltering Economy." Wall Street Journal. 15 Sep 2008: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011.

Symbolic Reasoning Behind Fashion Choices

This article is about the uniform styles of fashion trends. Most of the are some sort of dress or skirt. While these are elegant and beautiful, they do not seem visually affordable in this economy. The article says how people look at trends like this and don’t think it is a possibility. However, seeing something “safe” like a pair of pants symbolizes security to the consumer. Therefore, the consumer is more likely to purchase the pants than the avante guarde dress. This desire to feel safe stems from the economy and the debt crisis America is in still. Due to this, designers are trying to change up their lines of clothing to make them appear more “safe” to consumers so that they will sell easier.
Source: Reddy, Sameer. "Linking Fashion Trends and the Economy." Newsweek. 2 June 2008: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <>.

Weakening Economy, Worrying Designer

Not only are designers worried that people won’t be willing to spend thousands of dollars on their designs, the funding for the fashion show itself is dwindling. Most of the sponsors are “dried up” and not contributing as much funding as in the past. Also, the media is not helping the cause; most magazines from 2008-today have numerous articles about saving money and not over-spending. The media has started offering suggestions for discount brands and imitation products that are very similar to designer brands, but half the cost. While this is good for consumers, designers are losing money on their products and losing their importance in our society.
Source: Puente, Maria. "Fashion Week Meets the Weak Economy." USA Today. 6 Sep 2008: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <>.

Fashion in Dark Times

This narrative piece exploring the changes of fashion through the last few decades compares and contrasts the impact of the economy on fashion and how certain designers are working to make their pieces affordable and classic so that they won’t go out of style. It says how fashion has changed and evolved but it is still a source of pleasure and interest for much of society because a person’s fashion choices are the among the first things noticed about them. Fashion will always be important and present in society, it is how the designers work to make their mark on the field that will help get their name out there and respected while still being an affordable product.
Schwarz, Benjamin. "Fashion in Dark Times." Atlantic. June 2009: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <>.

Fashion Trends in an Uncertain Economy

Paragraph: This article contradicts a lot of the other information I’ve found. It is about how women are more likely to spend in this economy because they are depressed about their debt and bills so they are looking to pamper themselves and they do this through fashion. Yes, they still aren’t spending quite as much as they would in a more positive economy but they are still watching the trends and purchasing fashion-forward items, which tend to be more expensive.

Direct Link Between Fashion and the Economy

Paragraph: There is a direct relationship between fashion and the economy. Even things such as clothing trends or lipstick colors can be indicators of how the economy is doing. Consumers and fashion designers depend on each other because people spending money on fashion means the designers are generating income to keep their supply going. This also helps to keep the economy stimulated which is a big topic in political debates. Designers want the economy to do well because it boosts consumer confidence and will make consumer spending more probable and consistent.
Carreon, Blue. "Fashion and the Economy." Forbes. 27 Sept 2011: n. page. Web. 19 Dec. 2011. <


1. New Yorkers are estimated to spend about 21 million on fashion week. (
2. Women value their appearance so much, they spend an average of 7 billion per year just on their looks. (
3. The fashion industry provides over 175,000 jobs to Americans. (
4. The fashion industry earns approximately 1.6 billion in tax revenue. (
5. The average consumer is 15 percent more likely to purchase a discounted piece of apparel than a name-brand item. (American